living braver

one faith step at a time…



gift boxes pixa x     Sometimes we like to box things up nice and neat. Large box, bottom shelf for my worries about my children. Small box highest shelf for the grief of losing a loved one. Medium box back behind others for fears I just won’t face.

Then we go on our merry way saying how much we trust God or believe in Him or know nothing is impossible with Him.

Except maybe these few boxes that we’ve locked away in the storage shed. Those things we keep a lid on – that we don’t let go of – keep us behind bars. I see it all the time. The young woman who trusts God with her health or job – but not the relationship she’s currently in (for fear she may lose him). The man who trusts God with his wife or children – but not his money (for fear there may not be enough). And on it goes, something we just feel we need to control, or…

Does it control us?

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My friend Michelle expressed her freedom in Christ beautifully: Free to share my time, God created time. Free to share my money, it’s God’s anyway. Free to share my abilities, God will make the most of them. Free to attempt the next trial or test, to fail or to succeed. Free to forgive, as I am forgiven.

“Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32 NIV) So what is the Truth? “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.’ “ (John 14:6 NIV)

The truth, Jesus, opens our boxes – lids flung far – reaches in and says: don’t worry – I will make all things new, don’t grieve – someday no more tears, don’t be afraid – I will never leave you.

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“An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.” (Luke 2:9 NIV) After hearing the message, the shepherds hurried to see for themselves and fear turned to praise “The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” (Luke 2:10 NIV)

Let us be like the shepherds, let us hear the message, see for ourselves, and replace our boxes with praises. We are freed…

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If you stopped by because you read my devotion today over at Encouragement Cafe, WELCOME!   So glad you are here!

6 thoughts on “Freed…

  1. Powerful post! Thank you for the encouragement to see, hear, and trust God’s goodness and receive His gift of freedom.


  2. I want to live like that…with my new job, the perfect job. It will last as long as God wants it to, let go of control and let God do what he has planned.


    • Yes, how free we would be to walk with Him and share Him if we would let Him unpack our boxes and fill us up with Him. Blessing Nancy in your new job, may God give you wisdom and direction daily…


  3. What a great visual you gave of the boxes! Each of those “things” we are holding onto, failing to surrender to God. I absolutely love it! I’m so glad we were neighbors at the RaRa link-up!
    Blessings and smiles,


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