living braver

one faith step at a time…

Less Travelled…


convertible canva x     Do you ever dream about travelling…in a convertible…on back roads…sun shining, light breeze – no worries behind or ahead…

That is someday…for those who believe because “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)

For now, we live in a broken world. Faces needing to see in our eyes f a i t h… When the brokenness of health lost, relationship shattered, money lacking is reality, will we still lift our eyes, in faith, knowing that in this world we will have troubles?

gift hands pixa x

Faith is not something we have to muster up. Did you know that it’s a gift? Everything we need is given by the Giver of all good things, even f a i t h… “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV)

Is today a day where you’ve wandered…away? We will have our faithless times – our questioning thoughts, our doubting fears, our d.i.y. ways. 2Timothy 2:13 NIV tells us “If we are faithless, He will remain faithful.”

Take the road less travelled…The one that others pass by thinking it will rob them of the thrills, of the perks, of the good life. Easy to perceive the emptiness of the well travelled road… Look in the eyes of those on it – is there hope in those eyes, is there freedom in those eyes?

eyes scard pixa x

The road less travelled leads to peace in the chaos, joy in the heartbreak, calm in the storm. The world says power/money/sex/prescriptions are the answer. Do the eyes of those who have the world’s goodies shine with confidence or shadow with doubt? (look past the make-up and the photoshopping)

“Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” Elisabeth Elliot  Got questions? He has answers when we walk hand in hand with Him. He is the One who will be with us til the very end of the ages – and the One who will welcome us into eternity…where all will indeed be well…

dirt road pixa x

If you stopped by because you read my devotion today over at Encouragement Cafe, WELCOME!   So glad you are here!​​

4 thoughts on “Less Travelled…

  1. Hi Paris! These are such good thoughts! Thanks so much for sharing them. I like this line-“The road less travelled leads to peace in the chaos, joy in the heartbreak, calm in the storm.” It is good to remember that He doesn’t always take the chaos, heartbreak and storms but gives us what we need in the midst of them! Blessings to you today!


    • Susie, thanks for stopping by, as you can tell, I love your site, very special. You are right, He doesn’t like the chaos and heartbreak anymore than we do, but His promise is sure, always there with us and forever. Hallelujah!


  2. Sweet post today.
    I love that verse…if we are faithless, he’ll still be faithful.
    He is absolutely the best!
    I think that I’m visiting you twice today from #DanceWithJesus. 🙂
    (Love that picture…Makes me wanna jump in the car and just drive on down to the beach!)
    Thanks for sharing. Best to you. 🙂


    • Brenda, thanks for stopping by – and for your kind words. Yes, you caught me twice today 🙂 I visited you as well, but wasn’t sure where to leave a comment. But loved your Alone In the Crowd – you are right we must never be bigger than the mission…


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